Recording U-CERT web session - 12th edition of the Romanian Conference on Energy Performance of Buildings

U-CERT team under the auspices of our Romanian member AIIR organized a dedicated U-CERT web session as part of the 12th edition of the flagship international conference organized in Romania on the Energy Performance of Buildings, on 11 June 2021, 09h30-11h30 (CEST).
Moderators: Cătălin Lungu, REHVA Vice-President & Florin BĂLTĂREȚU, UTCB R&D Vice-Rector
1. PDF slide deck | recording | NZEB developments and challenges in EU, Jarek KURNITSKY, Chair of REHVA Technology & Research Committee professor at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
2. PDF slide deck | recording | EU Renovation Wave, EPBD revision and impact on EPB standards, Jaap HOGELLING, REHVA/EPB-Center/CEN, The Netherlands
3. PDF slide deck | recording | The Smart Readiness Indicator is facilitating the digital transformation of buildings, Andrei Vladimir LIȚIU, REHVA/KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Belgium/Sweden
4. PDF slide deck | recording | U-CERT value proposition. Structure and methodology testing, Pablo CARNERO MELERO, Energy Engineer at Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación, Spain
Those that tuned in to the entire conference got up to speed on the transposition of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive in Romania and acquired better understanding about the current challenges with regards to NZEB, building renovation also from a technology and business perspective.
Watch the recordings of the other sessions, including Adrian Joyce's, RenovateEurope Campaign Director, keynote "Funding the Renovation Wave: Facing the challenge":
- RCEPB 2021 session 1 | recording
- RCEPB 2021 session 2 | recording
- Adrian Joyce's keynote | PDF slide deck | recording