Recording policy session | Next Gen EPCerts: making buildings fit for the energy transition
REHVA, BPIE, FEDARENE and Sympraxis Team, hosted by the BuildUp Portal, brought together key actors from the Next Generation Energy Performance Certificates for buildings Horizon 2020 cluster of projects for a lively and informative moderated panel discussion between the project's representatives with 2 prior short 'setting the scene' keynotes from DG ENER and BPIE to benefit all EPBD stakeholders, with a slightly enhanced focus on EU Member States and specifically decision-makers and influencers of the EPBD revision process.
Please find here the so far published added value outcomes stemming from the activities implemented by U-CERT team.
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U-CERT team
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In a nutshell
Horizon 2020 project, September 2019 – November 2022
- Introduce a next generation of user-centred Energy Performance Assessment and Certification Scheme to value buildings in a holistic and cost-effective manner supported by an EU-wide training and certification process for building professionals
- Facilitate convergence of quality and reliability, using the set of CEN/ISO EPB standards, presenting the national and regional choices on a comparable basis
- Encourage the development and application of holistic user-centred innovative solutions, including the Smart Readiness of Indicator (SRI) and Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)
- Encourage and support end-users in decision making (e.g. on deep renovation), nudge for better choices and instil trust by making visible added (building) value, using EPCs
- Strengthening actual implementation of the EPBD by providing and applying insights from the perspective of all involved stakeholders, facilitated and empowered by the EPB Center
News and Events
- People-centered (ethnography)
- Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)
- Smart Readiness Indicator for buildings (SRI)
- Set of Energy Performance of Buildings (EPB) standards
- Building operational rating