U-CERT Certificate
U-CERT Energy Performance Certificate User Report (calculated data)âď¸ Please download for visualizing the interactive features đ
U-CERT ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE ASSESOR REPORT (CALCULATED DATA) U-CERT ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE USER REPORT (MEASURED DATA) U-CERT ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE ASSESSOR REPORT (MEASURED DATA)Next generation energy performance (EP) assessment and certification schemes should value buildings in a holistic and cost-effective manner across several complimentary dimensions. Thus, U-CERT is focused on including added value indicators and criteria based on a holistic user-centred perspective. In particular indicators to support decision making by end-users on deep renovation. Similar efforts are also undertaken by U-CERTâs sister projects.
The work already conducted U-CERT provided relevant findings regarding future energy performance assessments and certification schemes. In addition, the experts of U-CERTâs partner, EPB Center, have led the development of key EPB standards in the field of EPB indicators:
- EN ISO 52003-1Â Energy performance of buildings - Indicators, requirements, ratings and certificates - Part 1: General aspects and application to the overall energy performance
- EN ISO 52018-1Â Energy performance of buildings - Indicators for partial EPB requirements related to thermal energy balance and fabric features - Part 1: Overview of options
- And the accompanying two technical reports containing a justification and explanation
Lastly, U-CERTâs consortium is aware of the key findings made by the most relevant and recent H2020 initiatives; namely, ALDREN, CEN-CE, Triple A-reno, among others. Thus, U-CERT, being a Coordination and Support Action (CSA), learned from such outcomes and built upon them when possible. All these sources of information have been leveraged towards the proposal of a set of user centred and effective overall and partial indicators. These indicators serve to check compliance with normative EP requirements, given that the current main goal of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) is to provide an EP value for a building under standard conditions and use. Furthermore, additional informative indicators will be included in the EPC with a view of increasing their holisticness and user-friendliness, also with a view of allowing to leverage measured data.