Set of EPB standards
D3.1 Annex 2 U-CERT converged set of national datasheets for the main EPB standards 2.1 MB🧵
EPB Center & U-CERT - Categorized overview of all Annex A/B choices in 10 selected EPB standards 95.7 KB More details > EPB Center & U-CERT - Categorized overview of all Annex A/B choices in 10 selected EPB standardsTo provide flexibility in the application of the set of EPB standards, clearly identified choices are offered in each EPB standard, to account for (national or regional) differences in climate, culture and building tradition, building typologies, policy and legal frameworks. The choices are to be specified in a National Annex to each EPB standard or in a separate document, a so-called National Datasheet, but in both cases: following a template given in the “Annex A” of each EPB standard.
U-CERT team aimed to come to a converged set of National Datasheets that is harmonized where possible and flexible where needed (e.g. climatic data) and widely acceptable and applicable. Additional requirements are that the converged National Datasheets are mutually and overall consistent and enable the assessment of innovative products/solutions as much as can be foreseen.
The U-CERT EPB calculation methodology will consist of the combination of the EPB standards and this converged set of U-CERT National Datasheets. The development and use of a set of National Datasheets for the implementation of the set of EPB standards is a national responsibility of the Member States. Each MS has its own program and timeline to realize this. The U-CERT objective is that the U-CERT EPB calculation methodology will assist the eleven involved Member States in the process of drafting the national implementation of the set of EPB standards. More in general, the U-CERT converged set of National Datasheets may significantly support further harmonization of the set of EPB standards.