EPC sister projects

EPC sister projects

Breeding ground for the evolution of Building Energy Performance Certificates!

If you want to go fast, go alone.

If you want to GO FAR, GO TOGETHER.

African Proverb

REHVA Journal article about THE evolution of BUILDING EP CERTIFICATES

3 Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) started in 2019 (H2020_LC-SC3-EE-5-2019)

Visit QualDeEPC website

You're already on U-CERT website :)

Visit X-tendo website

4 Innovation Actions (IA) started in 2020 (H2020_LC-SC3-EE-5-2019)

Visit D^2EPC website

Visit E-DYCE website

Visit ePANACEA website

Visit EPC RECAST website

4 Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) started in 2021 (LC-SC3-B4E-4-2020)

Visit crossCert website

Visit EUB Super Hub website

Visit iBRoad2EPC website

Visit TIMEPAC website


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